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For those of us that have full-time jobs, part-time jobs, or are just chasing kiddos around all day, it really isn’t the most practical thing to take up couponing.

We’re not actually lazy, in fact, we have LOTS to do … we just don’t have time at our disposal!

After all, we’ve watched the big savers on “Extreme Couponing” and these people spend hours and hours every week sorting, printing, discovering, and even digging through trash cans for sales.

If you’re an average Joe, you probably don’t have the time to spend even ONE hour on this massive project, let alone several hours.

So what are you and I to do?

The answer is pretty simple … follow the big players!

There are blogs upon blogs that are solely devoted to reporting sales, providing coupons, and pointing their readers to deals they can’t pass up. Those bloggers are often paid by companies to promote sales – but nonetheless – they are sales! And good ones!

So if you are lacking the time & resources to spend hours on coupons, it’s time to get your feet wet by following the leading coupon bloggers.

Once you find a blogger you like (it’s a good idea to research through Pinterest)… sign up for the email list.

This is their direct communication to you. They will send you all the sales. Many of them will even walk you step by step on how to use specific coupons for certain sales.

One of our favorites is Passion for Savings – these ladies know what they’re doing. They’ve got every store, every coupon, every rebate spelled out to a T.

It really only takes a little bit of effort to see great rewards through couponing. So get on your coupon game and start saving!

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The Lazy Guide to Couponing
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