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What does it mean to “cultivate financial wisdom”?

Put simply … it’s a way of life where you are less interested in “things” and more interested in “people”. You are not obsessed with the latest phone, the latest car, the latest outfit. You take the time to appreciate the things in life you’ve worked for, and you know what it means to stand aside and save while everyone else is out spending.

So what would these characteristics look like in your everyday life?

1. Discipline

Managing money takes discipline. Period. Even the wisest investors practice discipline. They don’t credit their earnings to “luck”. They often make wise decisions, and that involves the characteristic of discipline.

2. Patience

What is the one thing that gets people into financial trouble? They can’t WAIT for what they want. They are too obsessed with the item, or the vacation, that they can’t see through the clouds. Patience means saving for what you want – not giving into impulse buys.

3. Generosity

Some of the wealthiest people in the world are generous. Sure, there are exceptions to this … but often times you will find wealthy people who are more than willing to give generously. As Christians, we are called to be generous in any and every circumstance – and this characteristic should be tied to the attitude of our heart.

4. Humility

If you are committed to practicing financial wisdom – you will be humbled. You may watch others around you basking in material possessions (that they can’t afford), and you will have to sit back and be content with what you have. That takes true humility.

5. Gratitude

Humility and gratitude go hand in hand. In order to be humble, we must realize that God is the one who provides for us, and all of our possessions really belong to Him. This leads us to gratitude. Knowing what God has given us cultivates a grateful heart – where we look less at what we don’t have, and instead focus on what we do have … an abundant life in Him.

– Erika from Faithful with Finances 


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5 Characteristics to Cultivate Financial Wisdom
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6 thoughts on “5 Characteristics to Cultivate Financial Wisdom

  • December 8, 2014 at 4:56 pm

    Gratitude !! Very, very, very true !! Thanks for the post ! Judy

  • December 8, 2014 at 7:54 pm

    “He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.” (Proverbs 22:9) …great post!!

    • December 9, 2014 at 10:14 am

      Thanks Nichole! I’m with you on that one … it’s always a process to improve on these but so worth it in the end!


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