10 Ways to Teach Your Kids the Value of a Dollar

10 Ways to Teach Your Kids the Value of a Dollar

  Kids are accustomed to learning all kinds of things from us. Our habits, the way we order our food, our favorite movies. Whether we like it or not, they are watching! We can either chose to be intentional with

How I Cut My Grocery Spending from $650/month to $300/month

How I Cut My Grocery Spending from $650/month to $300/month

I consider our grocery budget a work in progress. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about how I can cut back, or where I can save. It’s the most variable part of our budget, and

Why I’m Saving for Christmas in July (and why you should too)

Why I’m Saving for Christmas in July (and why you should too)

Christmas is my favorite time of year. I’m one of those weird people that actually looks forward to it all year long. Christmas is a chance to enjoy the company of loved ones, share special gifts, and remember the birth

Help! I’m Broke!

Help! I’m Broke!

  Photo Credit: https://www.behance.net/gallery/12848761/Bible-Verse-Quote-2 Now that Christmas is over, many of us are realizing the damage we did in spending … mainly over spending.  The common thread going around is, “Help! I’m Broke!” We love the gift-giving process, but in the

5 Characteristics to Cultivate Financial Wisdom

5 Characteristics to Cultivate Financial Wisdom

    What does it mean to “cultivate financial wisdom”? Put simply … it’s a way of life where you are less interested in “things” and more interested in “people”. You are not obsessed with the latest phone, the latest

Kick Your Bad Habits and Make New Ones

Kick Your Bad Habits and Make New Ones

What makes a bad habit? Something you’ve been doing for years that only makes your situation worse. A good habit may be hard to develop at first, but changing what you already do now will make life much easier in

How to Not Blow Your Budget This Weekend

How to Not Blow Your Budget This Weekend

When the weekend comes, many of us find ourselves in a spending frenzy… We have dinner with friends, we have friends over for dinner, we see family, we drive to see a new place, we go on a date night,

Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half

  The average American household spends an insane amount of their paycheck on groceries. How can this be? Among the many problems that contribute to this, here are a few: 1. Prices are on the rise – We are all

What it Takes to Live Below Your Means

You want the hard truth? The absolute hard truth? Living below your means is NOT easy. You will have to make sacrifices … on many occasions. You will feel like giving up. You will take each purchase seriously … even

Wanting More

Most of you have seen this type of commercial. The AT&T representative interviews kids and asks them simple, funny questions. What’s even funnier? Their answers! This one struck me in particular. The AT&T guy goes on to say, “Who thinks

Budgeting Basics 101

Budgeting Basics 101

Knowing how to make the right budget is the first step towards financial freedom. It is so basic, yet so essential. Failing to make an effective budget will ultimately leave you dejected, tired, and unwilling to carry it out the next month.