I usually start the day with a “list” …

– clean the kitchen

– make breakfast

– go to work

– buy enchilada sauce

– fill up the Sonata

– get a birthday card

They are usually very mundane, unimportant tasks … but I enjoy having a “list” to help me get through the day.

The other day as I was going through my list, I quickly stopped at the gas station, impatiently waiting for the tank to fill up, when a thought occurred to me …

I am so blessed to be able to fill up my gas tank right now. 

Not only do we use the car to get to and from work, we often go see family that are about an hour and half way – once a week!

There are people that can barely afford to put gas in their car just to get to work.

I am blessed.

It’s these moments of gratefulness that we need to observe throughout our lives. We can’t simply go through our day without thinking about and thanking our great God for constantly providing for us.

Maybe you don’t have the nicest clothes, the nicest car, the nicest house, but you DO have a roof over your head, plenty of meals to eat, and MUCH more than the rest of the world.

In the US, and especially in California, we live in a very “blessed” area, yet it is very common to hear people walking around complaining.

Don’t let that be you.

Take a moment today to thank your great God for what He has provided, not focusing on what He has not.

– Erika from Faithful with Finances

P.S. Did this post make you think of something you could be more grateful for? Please share, we love to hear from you!

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A Moment of Gratefulness
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