Never forget to count your blessings, remember there are others who have much less than you, and give God the glory for what you do have. – Faithful with Finances If you’d like to see more inspire quotes like this,
Wanting More
Most of you have seen this type of commercial. The AT&T representative interviews kids and asks them simple, funny questions. What’s even funnier? Their answers! This one struck me in particular. The AT&T guy goes on to say, “Who thinks
Conquer Emotional Shopping!
I happen to have a little problem, and I’m sure many of you might share this with me…but from time to time…I give into emotional shopping! It doesn’t matter what happened to me that day, or what is going on
Talking About Money with Your Spouse
It can be such an uncomfortable topic can’t it? You want to work more at paying off your debt, buy something big, or simply stop spending so much. These things can be hard to talk to your spouse about, and
Planning a Trip on a Budget
The spring has come and gone, and before we know it, summer will be here! Many of us have dreams of great vacations, and fun times with our families and friends, but we also know the hard truth: vacations are
More Soup for Your Soul
Last night I was with some friends, and after having these AMAZING enchiladas, I got a little inspired to try making Mexican food! Now, I have to be honest, I have a serious fear of making Mexican dishes because I’m
5 Best Ways to Save Automatically
We all know saving is a very important practice, yet many of us find that at the end of the month, this task is much harder than it seems at first. Yet because of the vast array of plans out
Consignment Sale – Great Finds!
The other day, one of my friends was telling me about a consignment sale she went to, finding all kinds of clothes she loved for a fraction of the price. Although I had been to a couple consignment sales, this
Overcoming Money Mistakes
When I write all of these posts, I can’t help but sit back and think at times, “I can’t even follow some of these things myself”! Today I just wanted to give you some encouragement if you feel like you
Make It At Home, Save Thousands Per Year
This morning I came across a very interesting article that talked about “Ten Things Americans Waste the Most Money On”, and let me tell you, the amount spent on various products and services is astounding. What surprised me the most,
Budgeting Basics 101 – Part 2
By now, you’ve taken the steps to secure a budget sheet that is personalized to your needs, and really, you’ve completed the most important step of all so far. You now have a clear picture of where your money is
Do I Need an Emergency Fund?
A lot of us try at times to save, but never end up being truly successful. We will save a little bit here, and a little bit there, but before we can even blink…its gone! Why is saving so hard,
Creative Ways to Make Extra Money
If you find yourself not having enough money left over at the end of the month to even cover the basics, it’s time to think outside of the box and get creative with your resources. There are plenty of ways
Budgeting Basics 101

Knowing how to make the right budget is the first step towards financial freedom. It is so basic, yet so essential. Failing to make an effective budget will ultimately leave you dejected, tired, and unwilling to carry it out the next month.
10 Things I Never Buy New
As you know by now, on this blog, we are all about saving you money. One mistake that is often made by many consumers is the mindset, “If I can’t buy it new, I don’t want it at all.” Certain
5 Inexpensive Ingredients
How many times have you been ready to cook or bake something, and you realize you are missing one crucial ingredient? Usually if this happens, you either try to substitute, or make something off-hand that you know won’t taste as
To Credit or Not to Credit?

At some point in our financial journey to becoming better stewards, we must ask ourselves an important question: can we or can we not handle a credit card? The jury is still out on this one..I have heard all kinds of
Can Money Affect Your Marriage?

I think we all know the answer to this one, money and all the baggage that it carries can cause great destruction in our marriages, and if we are not careful, it can cause the best of relationships to fall
Reduce Your Debt Faster
At some point in our lives, we typically will take on debt. Whether it is to gain a higher education, have a good mode of transportation, or even to get our family into a nice home. Debt is readily accessible
Make Your Dollar Grow
God has specifically chosen us to be His “money managers”. By now, you’ve probably realized that we don’t own ANY of it! It’s all His! And because we are His servants, Christ expects an exceptional life from us, including the