Holding Blank Score Cards


Let’s start out this Monday with a list of actions to make this day a great one. And yes, they are free! Ever heard the saying “some of the best things in life are free”? I believe it, and I know it to be true. Try doing at least half of the things on this list, and your day will be brighter, full of love, and encouraging to others.

Happy Monday, and have a wonderful week!

1.       Smile at a stranger

2.       Bake a batch of cookies

3.       Tell someone you love them

4.       Ask “how are you?” and mean it

5.       Read a Book

6.       Sing a Hymn or Song

7.       Bring Coffee to a Friend

8.       Thank God for His blessings

9.       Look for the good in people

10.   Laugh when you mess up

Life is way too short for us to spend it looking at the negative, ugly, and disheartening side of things. So today, let’s go throughout our day with joy in our hearts. I promise you, it’s contagious, and before you know it, everyone around you will be smiling too.

Psalm 100:2

“Serve the Lord with gladness, Come before Him with joyful singing.”

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10 Free Things You Should Do TODAY
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