We often find ourselves rushing and hurrying from one thing to the next. Before we know it our day has completely evaporated before us and we haven’t caught a moment to breathe! In the midst of it all, we find ourselves searching for more. After all, that’s what we are often taught aren’t we?

Having a bad day? Try some retail therapy!

Can’t find anything to watch? You need more channels!

Not sure what to make for dinner? There are thousands of recipes online, look there!

Have an hour to spare? Spend it husting, doing more, being more, and achieving more!

While it can be greatly beneficial to plan, have goals, and work hard, in our culture of always striving for “more” we can come up feeling downright exhausted.

One thing many of us realized during this global pandemic is that once we remove all the events from our schedule, we suddenly had more time! But unfortunately, we rarely know what to do with that time. And even worse, we don’t have any clue how to take a real rest.

Source: Bible.com

In the moments of our days where we find we can pause, think about what is going on around us, and relfect on who God is, that is where we can find rest.

Coming to Him is where we find rest.

We can tend to overcomplicate this. We set boundaries in our mind of what “quiet time” should look like. We picture ourselves sitting down for an hour in complete silence with a cup of coffee and our bible in hand. But the reality of our busy lives doesn’t always give us these idealistic and pituresque moments.

So what do we do? We find time to spend with Jesus anyway.

We come to Him when we have 5 minutes, we come to him when we have 2 hours. We come to Him in our need and in our exciting days. We make time for Him just like we would make time for a dear friend. We love His company, so we seek Him with all of our heart. And that is where we find rest.

How can you chose rest today? How can you overcome the noise and be present with Jesus and intentionally make time for Him? Do you think He will reward you with the rest your soul longs for? He most certainly will.

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Choosing Rest in a Culture of More
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One thought on “Choosing Rest in a Culture of More

  • April 29, 2021 at 4:25 am

    “An interesting discussion is definitely worth comment. I do think that you should publish more about this issue, it may not be a taboo matter but typically folks don’t speak about these subjects. To the next! Best wishes!!”
    נערות ליווי בפתח תקווה


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