Believe it or not, if you are a Christian … you are called to be a steward. You may have never realized until now that this is the job you were called to, but God takes great delight in
Create Your Own Savings Plan
There are some truly great savings plans out there – leading to stock piles of anywhere from $1k to $5k. Although these are great plans, and work for many of us, the way to truly live within your
When Can I Start Investing?
A lot of us begin asking questions like this when we are in our early or late 20s. We suddenly realize that the responsibility of having a job, paying expenses, and starting to save bring on thoughts of…well…what you should
Make Your Dollar Grow
God has specifically chosen us to be His “money managers”. By now, you’ve probably realized that we don’t own ANY of it! It’s all His! And because we are His servants, Christ expects an exceptional life from us, including the