I usually start the day with a “list” … – clean the kitchen – make breakfast – go to work – buy enchilada sauce – fill up the Sonata – get a birthday card They are usually very mundane, unimportant
A Moment of Gratefulness

I usually start the day with a “list” … – clean the kitchen – make breakfast – go to work – buy enchilada sauce – fill up the Sonata – get a birthday card They are usually very mundane, unimportant
Have you ever thought of God as a “generous giver”? He is the ultimate example of what it means to give generously and freely to others. A popular verse we hear thrown around very often is John 3:16 … “For
Many times we hear the phrase “give to God first”, yet many of us don’t realize what that actually looks like in our lives. Giving to God first ultimately means putting Him in the “#1” position to everything you earn.
We are posed with choices every single day. Should we chose this route over that route? Cream and sugar in our coffee, or black? Take the subway or drive? Chicken or fish for dinner? Little do we know, we make
Most of you have seen this type of commercial. The AT&T representative interviews kids and asks them simple, funny questions. What’s even funnier? Their answers! This one struck me in particular. The AT&T guy goes on to say, “Who thinks