I think we all know the answer to this one, money and all the baggage that it carries can cause great destruction in our marriages, and if we are not careful, it can cause the best of relationships to fall
Can Money Affect Your Marriage?

I think we all know the answer to this one, money and all the baggage that it carries can cause great destruction in our marriages, and if we are not careful, it can cause the best of relationships to fall
God has specifically chosen us to be His “money managers”. By now, you’ve probably realized that we don’t own ANY of it! It’s all His! And because we are His servants, Christ expects an exceptional life from us, including the
This past Saturday, I went to an event for Lift Up America, and it was really inspiring to see so many people working to make a difference in their lives and all across the world. Countless stories were told of
Are you always on the hunt for that one piece that will completely re-make your style, turn you into a fashionista over-night, or simply add some pizzaz to the boring every-day get-up you normally wear to the grocery store? No need
It’s finally the weekend, and I am sure many of us are ready to relax and take a break from the crazyness of the week. Yet I can’t help but anticipate those inevitable words from the hubby, “What’s for Dinner Tonight?” So instead
I bet you have a lot on your platter today, it seems as though all women have an innate sense of keeping 500 things afloat while they go about their day. And I bet you are no different. Although we
Sometimes I think we can be so caught up in the busyness of life that we truly lose sight of what matters. We forget why we are here, we forget how blessed we are to take another breath of life,
What does it mean to have true and lasting hope? When trials enter our lives, when we go through unimaginable pain and stress, do we have the hope that God has promised us in His word? More times than I
Today I went to get a few things at Costco, and let me tell you, it takes SERIOUS DISCIPLINE to go in that store! I went in there with an envelope of cash and a specific budget to stick to,
Lately I’ve been struggling with the idea of contentment. I know God wants us to have it in all circumstances, and I know all things are possible with Christ, but what do you do if you are unhappy with your
When most church-goers think about giving, the first word that typically pops into their mind is “the tithe”. This is what most people feel is their duty, and often times, they will faithfully give that 10%. Yet, we see throughout
Money can be so…filthy. How could a God that is so involved in the immaterial have any concern with the filthy material? Because money says a lot about the condition of our hearts, and the way we deal with it
We are so happy you are here… On this site, you will find all kinds of tips for women. Tips on saving, shopping, cooking, design, investing, you name it! Along with these tips, we will also dive deep into what