With Spring cleaning in full-force, many of us are getting our homes ready by decluttering, organizing, and cleaning! Take a trip down the cleaning aisle at your local grocery store and you will find unbelievably high prices. A simple bottle of household cleaner at Target can easily run you $3.99 or more, and we all know how fast you can go through one of those bottles!

So why not skip the expensive, and possibly toxic household cleaners, and make your own?

Here is a handy visual from Sprouts that will get you started:



With a new baby in our home, I am especially vigilant about what cleaners I use! In fact, this started when I was pregnant. It’s amazing how strong the scent can be from everyday household cleaners. After taking a quick look at the list of ingredients, I knew I wanted a safer option for my home. After all, if it saves money and is better for us, why not?!

What ways have you chosen to save and create a cleaner more organized home this Spring?

For more ideas on how to make your own cleaning products, head over to our Simplify & Organize Pinterest Board.



Meet the founders of Faithful with Finances:
Tony Amaradio and his wife Carin. 
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DIY Household Cleaners
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