Just between you and me, there are times were my faith has become weak over the thought of finances. It’s sad to say, but I know that in these times of doubt, that is when the Lord is growing me the most.

Have you ever cried over something only to realize that it was so insignificant and trivial that you wish you never shed a tear? That’s how it can be with little issues, yet it seems as though trouble with finances can cause even bigger issues to arise, and it can cause huge strains on your relationships.

The tears can come quite easily, and so do the fights. Without knowing it, financial uncertainty can cause a huge gap in your heart and life that makes you feel hopeless and without a drive to go on.

Today I want to give you hope, that even in this area of your life, it is time to hand the reigns over to God. It’s time to stop relying on yourself to solve every problem you face, and it’s time to let God carry you in His arms.

I came across 1 Peter 5:6-7 this morning, and it gave me a new and unbelievable perspective to read these sobering words, “6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

A God that has at least a million things on His plate actually cares for me? And to think, on a daily basis, we can cast our cares on Him and surrender our worries to His throne.

The beauty of His wisdom is that He already knows what will happen to us. He knows what will happen with our finances, and if we will eventually make it through, or face more trials along the way. Despite what our circumstances might be like, we have to hold fast to the faith and knowledge that God is in complete control of our hearts and lives.

What is a practical way we can do this? Well…one way that has really helped me over the years is just to lift up our circumstances in prayer. It can be simple, or you can go in depth with God and really “cast all your cares” on Him. As you pray, don’t pray with a heart of complaining, but rather, ask God for the strength that only He can give. And don’t worry if your prayers don’t come out the right way, or are a little bit jumbled, because we see in Romans 8:26 can always know that “In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”

I hope this was an encouragement to you today and for the coming week, don’t loose heart and remember whatever you are facing is never too small for God!


By: Erika Pizzo

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Trusting God with Your Money
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